[Solved] Need Help!

I Think That Massege Came From Fullscrean Not Creatorx You Can E-mail Creatorx And Ask Them Or You Can Ask Them On Twitter :) If Nothing Happens In Few Days Apply Again (Just To Creatorx) Btw I Am Creatorx Partner :)
I am thinking so, but i am supposed to get my contract hopefully today
Hey guys,

My name is Adam Feuerberg and I'm the network coordinator for Fullscreen Arcade. If you'd like to see if you qualify to join our network, just click on the link that says "Join Arcade!" in the info box on this page: youtube.com/arcade. This is our hub channel, where we featured content submitted to us by our partners. It's another means of providing promotion for everyone and also a way to encourage our partners to work together to make our network even stronger. Thanks a lot and let me know if you have any questions!
