SocialBlade Partnership

Hey there :)

I have any questions about socialblade, maybe someone can help me.
I applied for partner several times. Always it was denied because of posting content I don't not own or sthg like that - didn't remember. I think that I have enough views per month. And I don't have any strikes or copyright informations. I also can monetize my videos. My channel is clean.
I know any people getting partnered with Socialblade.
One of them uploaded the videos from a really, really well known youtubers (#2, #3, #7 of Top Ten YouTubers *cough*) with german dub - he's partner.
The other one also take videos from other and uploaded with german dub - also partner.

I made all my videos by my own - own animation, free sfx & free music, own voice - and get to hear that I don't own my videos??? :shifty2: What's wrong?

There are so many other Partner networks to choose from. Make sure you do your research, but if you've done your due diligence and Socialblade is your top choice then understand exactly why they declined your previous applications and that way you can address it and re-apply when you've met their partnership criterion. All the best. :)
Ok ,i got an answer from rpm that i have music that i dont own .What do i do? Reupload video .Btw @Victor ,i will dont use yout music :@ .

We really appreciate you getting in touch about joining our network.

After reviewing the content on your channel, we have determined that we cannot bring you into the network at this time. It appears that your videos are primarily based on content or music that you may not own or have the appropriate rights to. Once this content has been removed, feel free to reapply.
Ok ,i got an answer from rpm that i have music that i dont own .What do i do? Reupload video .Btw @Victor ,i will dont use yout music :mad: .

We really appreciate you getting in touch about joining our network.

After reviewing the content on your channel, we have determined that we cannot bring you into the network at this time. It appears that your videos are primarily based on content or music that you may not own or have the appropriate rights to. Once this content has been removed, feel free to reapply.

Remove the music that you do not have rights for using in your videos or remove the videos completely and then re-apply for partner again.and see what they say next, but hopefully you get accepted. :-)

If your videos containing the copyrighted music are currently monetised through YouTube Adsense it's probably a good idea to disable the monetisation because you don't want to risk receiving a copyright strike as it will hamper your chances of getting accepted by YouTube networks.

All the best.