So how much time do you put into your YouTube Channel?

As long as you produce something from start to finish it is not non productive! :)

Answering to the original post, I spend a lot of time experimenting with tags, thumbs and so.
I am far behind (year 2016 videos) in tagging and description and hashtags and so...

But this is my balance with family, work and viewing others.
I do not oftenly comment or interact in Youtube but I like to watch.
This season's favorites are campervans and conversions.
=) =) =)

I mean productive, in the sense of getting paid for it. YouTube is and probably always will be a drain on my very limited free time. I do it because I enjoy it, but there is a limit to how much time I can spend on something that isn't paying the bills and is, in fact, costing me money.
A few hours a day. Which honestly is too much really. I want to reply to comments and also keep up with fellow creators. I don't mess with it near as much as in the past though.
4 hours a week at most including filming and managing descriptions and comments, not including encoding and uploading. No editing, except some cutting in the beginning and in the end, or planning. Sometimes cutting directly in camera and uploading directly from camera.
I try to answer every comment I get ( It's not that much, so not a big deal haha).
I regularly check out other peoples staff, not on a daily basis but a least once or twice a week I'm clicking through youtube. If I like the content, I let them know by leaving a comment.
I can't say I spend like 3 hours a week, one week it's 1 hour, the next week it might be 4 hours.
It actually depends on what i want to put in for the day.. Sometimes i spend lesser time and sometimes, it requires spending more time.

All for the good of the community.
I spend a couple hours every now and then watching YouTube and I spend every day on my own channel, planning, scripting, filming, editing, working on good tags, descriptions and thumbnails.
Well...if you want a genuine breakdown it's tricky but heres roughly how it goes with me.

I work on a two week rota with my channel (Or at least I try to xD) it goes like this

Week 1 (Writing/recording)
In this week i'll usually watch 2 movies, make notes on them and write the full reviews. On average that means it's about an hour and a half to 2 hours per film just watching and making notes + about 3-4 hours writing the reviews themselves so assuming the maximums all in that would be about 10 hours a week just watching, noting and writing (Bearing in mind I work a 9-5 job monday to friday on top of that) I also try to write a blog post for my website at least once a fortnight and thats another 3-4 hours, plus I probably spend about 15-20 minutes+ posting in forums, promoting my videos and responding to comments every day so thats about another 2 and a quarter hours or so a week...then theres streams I've recently started which im going to try and do once a week (If not once a fortnight) and they're usually about an hour and a thats 17 hours and 45 minutes a week rising to 18 hours depending on how much downtime I have.

I also have to write a new post to my website every thursday night ready for publication on Friday around the time that my video goes live. (It helps with SEO) thats a lot shorter though and I usually have that done in under 30 minutes

Week 2 (Editing and Misc)
On the sunday night of week 1 I'll usually go and record all the scripts im going to edit in week 2...this typically takes 2 hours. I then spend Monday to thursday just editing. pretty much constantly. I'll start at about 7pm and cut till about 11:30pm and later (Depending on whether I can get it done or not...) I'll usually have maybe one night off a week just simply through being frazzled but the general idea is that it's at least 4 and a half hours of cutting a night 3-4 nights a week. so theres another 18 hours. if I have a down day now I use it to stream gaming footage, take to the message boards or sort out new collabs/extra work

weekends can be difficult because I see my partner at this time. on weekends where she's not around (Like this weekend) I use the time to get ahead of the curve, do some extra editing, maybe a bit of extra promotion...all that good stuff...if she is around I'll occasionally flick onto the boards...maybe respond to a couple of youtube comments if I get the chance but I have to keep it fairly on the low down...I'd be surprised if I spent more than 90 minutes doing youtube stuff on a weekend when my partners around...

So all in thats looking at about 37 and a half hours a fortnight (Or about 18.5 hours a week) on doing my youtube thing...I dont know if thats a lot or a little but all I know is im constantly very tired xD