Smosh Games Alliance FAQ

They`re worse than ATV... Even for most channels getting 400-500 vpd, they won`t get 100$ in a year :p

vpd, is that Views Per Day? With the average $1 CPM, that's $.40-$.50 a day, or $150-$180 a year at the least. They apparently have a better split than Fullscreen does, so I'm not sure how they'd get too low. Besides, if you get those relatively low view counts, like I do, you shouldn't expect to make a ton of money anyways. :p
(I'm just copy/pasting this from their FAQ session off of Twitter @smoshSGA.)

1: If we haven't responded to your email yet, we'll get back to you soon! Sorry for the wait, guys.

2: There's no cost to join the SGA!

3: You can be any age to join.

4: You can be anywhere in the world & join.

5: Videos can be in any language and do not require subtitles.

6: You don't have to move to LA to join.

7: No minimum sub or video requirements for joining.

8: The initial contract lasts for one year.

9: (Virtually) everyone is accepted!

10: You will be added to our system and enabled for partner perks SOON after we review your application.

11: Joining the Alliance does not exempt you from YouTube's copyright/fair use policies.

12: Once you're in the Alliance, you just continue uploading videos to YOUR channel as you normally would.

13: There will be more information about submitting videos to us on the SGA Spotlight episode airing THIS Sunday on SmoshGames!

14: There's no deadline for joining the SGA.

15: SGA is short for Smosh Games Alliances.

16: You can create any kind of videos you want to.

17: We do not supply equipment for creating videos at this time.

18: There are no minimum requirements for # of uploads per month.

Oh dear
At this point it's hard to tell how good or bad of a network they are since they've yet to build a reputation. However, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess it'll be pretty s****y. They're like RPM, they're targeting new, small, non-established channels. Why would you give someone like that a contract that benefits them? I think they're just going to get a 50/50 split or something. I would be cautious about joining.

It is a 70/30 split there contact is after the initial sign up form , i applied on my old channel!