Skip-able Ads

Just use it, if your video is that interesting, trust me they wont skip it. And those skipables are the ones that pay you the most my friend.
Just use it, if your video is that interesting, trust me they wont skip it. And those skipables are the ones that pay you the most my friend.

Yes, I have an audience that appreciates my presentations so I'm not concerned about any backlash. I did a test and was ad-free for a few weeks and nobody even said anything. LOL!

As for the skippable videos paying more, they aren't paying 5-6X higher than non-skippables.

Thanks for the reply.
From my stats (ad performance) it was nearly same CPM skipable and non skipable prerolls (sometimes was skipable more CPM, sometimes non-skipable more CPM). But do not count much on my stats because i do not tried them for long so maybe premium non-skipable would significally raise their CPM in a longer run, when maybe some premium of those kind of ad types would be sold, but i do not know as i havent tried them longer than a month and made decision to turn them off.

True View (skipable prerolls) are really cool ones (from money point).
Just to be a little bit more detailed - True view (skipable prerolls) generating me 3-4 x more revenue than display ads.
(p.s. im not saying anything against display ads - they are also very good, just True view is even much better)
Its probably can be different from user to user and different from content to content, but that what i see from my small experience.
From the money and annoyance point combined together, True view (skipable prerolls) would be the last ones which i would turn off from videos.
... My channel is dedicated to an iOS game. :unsure:

Google analytics for my channel homepage and website concur - majority are mobile.

Adblock isn't a new revolution within the last year. It has been a significant for several years. Google trends shows steady search volume for it from 2007 to 2011. Even now search volumes are only double that time range - if double the 'outdated' year old stats, then they are still well below 50-70% mobile views many channels experience.

I'm still waiting you you to cite ANYTHING.

I don't care what you think, I don't care your numbers are. I made this clear from the offset.
Clearly unlike you i'm not here to make a point, I have nothing to prove.. I'm bored however, so i'll take your bait.

I'm right, you attempted to prove me wrong so I shut your terrible quoted articles down.. I understand why you are upset, I would be concerned if someone publically humiliated me that, you must have been quite happy with your research skills until I completely decimated your sources.

As I stated there is no way to check adblock usage as all the extensions go about it differently, I hate repeating myself so i'll copy and paste it again for you since you missed it.. Actually, no I won't.. Scroll up.

Did you wake up and need to let a little bit of rage out? This conversation died ages ago.
Also.. I'm going to report that personal attack you made a few posts back, I don't know where you come from but we do not tolerate that here.
GafferGames Vicboss

EDIT: I'll admit that I didn't see your channel was dedicated to an iOS game.. I was completely out of line with that I said in respect to your audience; i'll apologize for that remark.
Yes, I have an audience that appreciates my presentations so I'm not concerned about any backlash. I did a test and was ad-free for a few weeks and nobody even said anything. LOL!

As for the skippable videos paying more, they aren't paying 5-6X higher than non-skippables.

Thanks for the reply.

Anytime my friend! :) Just throwing 2 cents out y'know ;)