Other Shoutouts on my video

i'll give ya my schedule :p

Monday: Something Vs. Something
Tuesday: Review Something(mainly films, games, foods etc.)
Wednesdays: "How-To" Video
Thursday: Youtube Favourites
Friday: Top Tunes(The Music One)
Saturday: Keebzy Replies(to comments and such)
Sunday: Top Tips(like the computing one)

so only really friday and thursday are there for looking at other peoples channels and videos in my vid :p
nice skedual man
i`m gona try to have one as well ... wish me luck lol
good luck dude, you'll need it lol its pretty hard to stick to a schedule of putting up a video every day lolz at least it is for me xD
I HAZ A PLAN ... MMMUUUUAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA its just basecli a game play everyday of a popular game with friends and on monday a special one on wensday another special one on fryday a flash one and on either asatuday or sunday a coocking one :D
I HAZ A PLAN ... MMMUUUUAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA its just basecli a game play everyday of a popular game with friends and on monday a special one on wensday another special one on fryday a flash one and on either asatuday or sunday a coocking one :D

haha nice, I've got a side channel i started a few days ago in which i do gameplay vids lol their more jus a way for me to relax though xD
just a quick notice to you guys, i have all the clips i'm going to be using in this thursday AND fridays episodes(I'm getting them early because i'm going to try a new format which will take longer to film, edit and render) any videos you guys offer from here forward will be for thursday and friday next weeks videos! but keep them coming, i love watching all these videos :D

P.S No i won't tell ya who's going to be in thursday or fridays videos ;) mwahaha you'll just have to watch it and find out xD