Script or nah?

I've never scripted any of my videos. I get an idea what I want to say sometimes but mostly I waffle to the camera as it comes lol
Always scripted - I'm useless if I have to talk off the cuff. I write the scripts myself and repeat them over and over again so that they sound fairly natural, I think if you can't do that then you should not use a script at all.
I'm just curious about whether or not you write a script for your videos or if you just jump in front of the camera and just talk.

I usually don't plan out a script and just jump into action, so I often have to edit out a lot of silence and awkwardness but I find it confusing to rely solely on a script or outline.
what I usually do is put bullet points of topics i want to talk about and go from there. But i make sure to not cut the video and not to overthink each topic. so i guess you can say i do a little bit of both
I do mine heavily scripted with 3-4 rewrites. Personally I dislike "talking" videos. But even if you are going to give a monologue to camera, it's always better to put your thought down and keep them in order. Also scripts mean quick CC which helps seo
Yes and no. My first video ha a script because it was sort of a skit and I needed a script to make it work, and I also had a script for a video that I will upload in a week, but generally I don't use scripts. I am really bad at improvising and I'm still very new to youtube so I haven't gotten used to talking to a camera yet, public speaking in general makes my head a bit foggy, but at the same time I don't like using scripts too much because it rarely comes out naturally, and the last thing I want is to sound rehearsed in my videos. It's a tricky question!
Given my introverted nature and how I process my thoughts, I find that I do much better writing a script first than just recording without one. Maybe it's also the fact that English isn't exactly my first language but it takes time for me to accurately convey what I'm thinking. Without a script I end up having many pauses and filler words (e.g. "like", "kind of", etc.), so it isn't usually a very good viewing experience. :p
Definitely comes down to the type of content you are trying to create. For mine I have used a script as I am doing analytic videos. However, I tried doing a video as an experiment recently with no script. It worked well for the most part, but there were a couple of sections I wasn't to fond of. For these I wrote down the message of what I was trying to get across, and then turned it into some dot points and rerecorded. Script vs. no script is an interesting dilemma, I'm looking forward to trying out some more no script techniques. Would help massively on production time.

I'm just curious about whether or not you write a script for your videos or if you just jump in front of the camera and just talk.

I usually don't plan out a script and just jump into action, so I often have to edit out a lot of silence and awkwardness but I find it confusing to rely solely on a script or outline.
It really depends on what kind of video you are making, when I'm vlogging or making a cookery video, I usually start with a good idea of what I want to say, but no script, I can usually ad lib these quite easily (also a tip: practice vlogging a lot, it greatly improved my ability to make up what I was saying as I was going along, a very valuable skill if you are not using a script)

With the videos where I have a lot to say, either a rant (I have usually written and then divided it up into a script) or a bicycle history video (talking about the history of a model of vintage bicycle) I tend to have a script.
Hey! I'm so glad you made this post because I was wondering the same thing! haha
I 'scripted' my first video (just made a list of bulletpoints and things I needed to say) and it worked really well.
When I tried this a second time, the footage I shot was unusable!
I was rambling on and on about stupid stuff and it was mega boring as well as having too many jump cuts in the edit.
I'm thinking a structured list of bullet points is the way forward otherwise you end up totally off topic! :giggle: