RPM Offer!

I'd initially thought thats their is no point unless you have the subscriber base, but I've realised now that joining a network offers loads of tools to help you grow aslong as you don't do it for the money. RPM are currently accepting everyone really so it may not be a great choice, but its up to you. Focus on joining a better network would be my opinion like Fullscreen or one of its sub-networks.

I recently joined one, even though I said I wouldn't, as I saw just how much their helping people grow. Earning 10p every year isn't of concern to me, thats not my reason for YouTube :D
Oooh they changed it again! D: that's quite bad. Oh well, if people don't like the offer they should read the contract before signing... life lesson never mind eh?
RPM must be drunk if they keep changing it >.> or maybe the fault is on our behalf... I think they still do offer the 60/40 1 year contract but only to those who actually met their original requirements and everyone else who doesn't gets the new 50/50 2 year contract.
RPM must be drunk if they keep changing it >.> or maybe the fault is on our behalf... I think they still do offer the 60/40 1 year contract but only to those who actually met their original requirements and everyone else who doesn't gets the new 50/50 2 year contract.

I'm on the 'old' contract before the change and I have 2 years, 60/40. It's not awesome cos I have low views, but meh I didn't join for the money I joined for the header (this was before the new layout too lol)
Oooh they changed it again! D: that's quite bad. Oh well, if people don't like the offer they should read the contract before signing... life lesson never mind eh?

Must be different contracts for different sized channels, I checked 10 minutes ago and I got offered 1 year at 60/40 O.o
So did I.... And I THREW IT ON THE GROUND!!!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^........listen to him. 50/50 2 year contract is really bad. In 2 years you could be with a network like fullscreen or yeousch. Also, with the amount of views you get currently, it isn't worth it. You'll get hardly any pay. Wait a while and you'll be happy you did