Removing profiles from Fireviews to maximize views on an other

Hi again!
Fireviews founder here. Just thought I should jump in on this topic.
You are correct that removing your other profiles on Fireviews will direct all your views to your remaining profile. It is also perfectly safe to promote a Youtube Partnership video on Fireviews.
However, based on my experience with Youtube and seeing how well Youtubers' different strategies work, I would actually recommend that you don't try to focus all your traffic on one specific video. In my opinion, it's best to promote your entire channel as a whole. That way you will gain loyal subscribers, and real fans. And those are the things that get you the most views in the long term.
When you focus on getting a single video viewed, most people will view it once and never return to your channel. But when you promote yourself and your channel, and show people everything that you have to offer, they will usually subscribe and return every time you upload a new video.
Of course this is a generalization and it will always depend on the type of videos you have, but I've worked with a lot of Youtubers since I started Fireviews, and this definitely seems to be the best way to go.
But on the other hand, sometimes if you have a viral video, all you need is one quick boost to rocket it into viral-video land. 100 views could quickly turn into 1000 and then 1,000,000 on Youtube. But you never really know. So if you think your video has the potential to go viral quickly, promoting just that video on Fireviews could be a great idea. Otherwise you should promote your whole channel.
Yeah, Thanks for responding again, and I hope you continue to do so haha ;)
