Rejected from Adsense multiple times - "Site does not comply with Google policies"

You've been banned from Adsense therefor you cannot make another account, as you've been banned.
The whole process is really quite obvious and straightforward, one could argue that opening a new account would constitute fraud.

You'll need to get your original account unbanned, which I believe may take some work.
As a person who uses adwords to advertise I am glad they don't allow people to just keep creating new accounts... You were banned in the first place because your channel/site was faking clicks in order to scam the advertisers such as myself, i'm not saying you are responsible but it's my understanding that's how you get blacklisted.
If you can no longer access the monetization tab, it's because you previously applied for a full adsense account with the same e-mail associated with your YouTube account and were rejected. From reading all the posts in this thread, it sounds like this is what happened.

I can still access the monetisation tab through YouTube though. And I keep getting emails from YouTube saying I need an adsense account. And I still have the ability to apply through YouTube (Which I have been this whole time, I must have been mistaken in earlier posts if I said that). So they haven't stopped my account from monetisation in any way, the fact YouTube keep sending me emails asking me to link an account makes me think that I still can link an account.

You were banned in the first place because your channel/site was faking clicks in order to scam the advertisers such as myself, i'm not saying you are responsible but it's my understanding that's how you get blacklisted.

I respect the fact that I have been previously banned, but at no point was scamming AdSense the objective. I just wanted more views to my blog. (Which in turn, got me banned for invalid click activity, even though that was not my prerogative.)

one could argue that opening a new account would constitute fraud.
Not, if the person running the adsense account was a legitimate individual. Like a brother or a cousin. I'm not giving wrong details. Just using a different person's adsense account.

After posting in the AdSense forums i've been given some guidance as to how my account could be breaking policy. Namely the 2 Minecraft videos, and using the word "f**k"

Also. the volunteer argued that any music had to be stated in credits, implying that stating it in the credits was unacceptable. I'll update with more when I know!