Reddit isn't the landmind you think it is

how were you able to link people from your reddit to your youtube? Did you have the video in the thread?
Pretty much. As I cover employment skills, it is pretty easy to find legitimacy in a segway when most of your audience is 18 to 28 year olds nervous about being employed.
nice guide. I can't stress enough how important it is to contribute to not just reddit but youtube itself. It increases exposure the more you comment.
Very nice post thanks:up2:
I have tried different things to promote my videos and in my opinion REDDIT is the best by far. Much better than Facebook/twitter or other social media. Every time I use REDDIT I seem to get new subscribers so thats awesome. The only thing bad about REDDIT is that you can run into some s****y comments/dislikes but that´s the name of the game I think:)
My reddit karma is like 101 posts (my vids) vs 32 comment karma xD I'm trying to get the comment part up, doing 2 comments everyday now ^-^ Because I don't wanna be a spammer
I have been wanting to get into reddit for a while now, with the ability to post my content. Can someone give me tips on how to accomplish this without being a spammer? I hate the guys that just post their links and bolt.
I've shared my videos via Reddit and noticed a definite increase in views and engagement, once you understand how it works and stick to the etiquette of the website, it can be really useful!