Gaming Record 'funny moments' together


New Member
Hi Guys,

My name is Thomas and I'm quite new on YouTube. Most of the time I play Rocket League, but I also like to solo play Cities: Skylines and different kind of tycoon/strategy/simulation games.

At the same time, I would like to do some more collaborations with other people who are on the same level as I am. I don't mind buying some new games and I like different kind of games such as GTA, Gary's Mod, King of the Kill and so on. All I really care about is having FUN. I don't want to be the best player, I want to have as much fun as possible myself as well as for the people who are watching the video.

For an impression of my style, you can find me on YT as: ItsMeThomas

If you are interested, let me know and maybe we can talk about it!