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Link to the channel page is direct to his Feed. Best to change that up ASAP. Done in the Channel Settings Tab by the way.
No background to the channel page. Not even a generic one.
As I viewed the only video there, I noticed a few things.
Voice quality, spot on.
Video quality, it looks to be over exposed with post brightening. I would hazard a guess the post adjustment was done within YT.
Finally I'd like to say is this, Jremich has only taken his first step in the wide world of video making and he has alot to learn and given time and persistence I see he has the chance to be a good YT gamer
Nice background, although, your content is create by others (i think, well, atleast the music is...?)
Can't say I've actually watched your videos tho.
Capped internet = sucks a**.
Nice background, although, your content is create by others (i think, well, atleast the music is...?)
Can't say I've actually watched your videos tho.
Capped internet = sucks a**.

8/10 I love the graphics, your narration could be a bit more lively but I like the way the mic sounds. Plus dishonered is a badass game!