QUICK HELP! Which Thumbnail? Left or Right?

Pedro Nascimento

I've Got It
Hey guys, below is my channels latest thumbnails.
The ones on the left were the ones I had in first place, then I changed to the ones on the right.
Was it a good change?
Which side would you choose? Left of right?
I like them both. I think it would nice if you cropped you out of the pictures on the right, scaled them down smaller..maybe about 50% smaller and then found a nice spot to put them in the thumbnail on the left. That would look great
I like both but, I would go with the ones on the right!
They add more of a personal touch to your thumbnails.
Especially the one with the mountain in the background.
I may be prone to clicking it because, your background is so beautiful!
As far as the thumbnails that tell where you are you could just have that in the title.
That's my 2 cents on it! Have a great day.:crown:
I do like both for sure. One is more commercial, like a tourist site would use, the other is more personal like NBRS Commander is saying. However, one seems like it would be for a commercial while the other seems like it would be for watching you. If you do visit the place, which I'm sure you do, you should I take a picture with an interesting area in the background. You do that in some but in others its harder to tell.
To me the ones on the left seem pretty generic and "powerpointish". I would definately go with the ones on the right, much more personal.