Questions for ATV and RPM

so what does that paragraph mean?
Means you cannot sell or promote things without their permission unless you own the rights to it. (Your own T shirts and stuff). You can't be like "Oh guys check out Fullscreen they are a great network!". Just like if you were working at McDonalds or something, you can't advertise other fast food chains.
Got it. Don't promote other products or networks. Although I guess the reviews are kinda sorta promoting the games/movies in question....
One video did have a short scene of me wearing a Big Lots cap... but it was never directly focused on, nor did I say anything like 'whoa big lots is awesome' or whatever.
What You Tell YouTube. You will notify YouTube (based on their rules) that until this agreement terminates Your Channels are part of the RPM Network, and all payments from YouTube for the commercialization of Your Channels should be sent directly to us.

how do I tell them THAT?
Hmmm even though everyone seems to be bashing the hell out of ATV now...

That's because ATV are a joke of a network, you would honestly have to be mad to sign with them after reading what everyone has to say about them, RPM are better than ATV but aren't anywhere near what they used to be after the change to accept lower channels, you can expect very slow customer support with both networks.[DOUBLEPOST=1365764701,1365764640][/DOUBLEPOST]
so what does that paragraph mean?[DOUBLEPOST=1365745429,1365745290][/DOUBLEPOST]Also nowhere in the contract does it mention anything about backing you up with the while videogame liscense deal...

Thats because there is no video game license deal, very few networks have any genuine big time licenses.
What You Tell YouTube. You will notify YouTube (based on their rules) that until this agreement terminates Your Channels are part of the RPM Network, and all payments from YouTube for the commercialization of Your Channels should be sent directly to us.

how do I tell them THAT?
Thanks for the answers guys, still need to know the answer to this one though before I do anything.