Quality of Content is Script Writing Better?


In most of my videos, I have brainstormed an idea, and just immediately filmed it, having whatever ideas/thoughts that went through come out to the camera.

But am I wrong in doing that? Should I sit down, write a script, and then make a video? Or is full improv a bad thing? From the quality of my content, I am starting to think it is a bad thing. Many things tend to be left out, and sometimes it just seems like a jumbled mess, other times it isn't too bad. It's really hit or miss depending on how I'm feeling.

Maybe I need to make bulletin notes or something? I just can't seem to type out the words I want to say. It's killer...

Any tips? Thanks in advance!
I personally fully script my videos, but it really depends on the type of video you are making.
I agree! I probably just need to solidify what I talk about as well. Having a very specific topic, then it being much more broad. At least starting off.
Depends on the type of video im making, but usually I like to meet in the middle in the sense that I will have some notes/talking points in front of me and talk about something for a bit. But for PURELY informational videos I tend to have a script, but I tend to be on the boring side if I take this route. I often find myself not being pleased with the outcome of the content if I fully script the content.
Depends on the type of video im making, but usually I like to meet in the middle in the sense that I will have some notes/talking points in front of me and talk about something for a bit. But for PURELY informational videos I tend to have a script, but I tend to be on the boring side if I take this route. I often find myself not being pleased with the outcome of the content if I fully script the content.
I feel like that would be my problem, but I have yet to actually complete a script and use it, so I can't really say it would be a bad thing lol. I'm gonna attempt it next time, and see how it turns out.