Popular channels saturating search results, how can I compete?


Hi everyone, I've been trying to find an answer to this question for such a long time but keep turning up empty. I finally found this site today and hoping someone can help me! I have an existing channel and also created a new one for my 6 year old daughter to vlog. How can I get our videos to show up in search results to gain views when the other highly viewed videos are already taking up majority of the query results? I don't find facebook to be helping my daughter's channel as much since there aren't really any kids on there. The only way for her channel to gain views is to have kids watching her videos, but how do I promote to them? A few moms on my facebook did subscribe and share videos with their kids but that's just not enough.....HELP
Be first. I know it sounds crazy, but be the first to touch on a popular subject.
Well there's no quick and easy way to go about it. With so many people looking for a bite of the same pie it takes a buttload of time of effort to gain traction.

As you've noticed, with other mega popular channels and videos in play it's hard to compete on their turf, so they'll eat up your search. You'll have better luck looking outside of YouTube, taking your content to those who might be interested, be it via forums, friends, gatherings etc... Try to think about how you would spread the word if internet didn't exist. You'd probably go around handing out flyers and stuff to any and all and hoping someone sticks, as well as trying to go to places where those that might be interested are likely to gather, and becoming a part of the community there. Then apply the same principles aided with the power of the internet.
Agreed I know there is no easy way that wont get me banned from youtube lol! I have an existing channel with over 100 subscribers I think I will focus my energy on that one instead of trying to push a new channel.
Simple answer: You can't. If you are touching on subjects others have already touched on the initial rush is already gone. And then there is the fact people generally dislike copy cats. People that run after the hot topics because they can't talk or come up with their own.
I agree with some of these replies I disagree with the attitude. Learn how SEO works, sure if you are trying to review an iPhone there is more likelihood that you will not beat out the big guns but what if you reviewed the iPhone in a different way, for example just titling your video "iPhone review" will get you no where but "how strong is the new iPhones screen?- iPhone 8 review" with the aproprieate tags and speed to upload will.

There was a case study done on a guy call CZsworld he recently made a video pointing out things in the IT trailer. He did it well and quickly (bare in mind he had 3000 subs) and it topped the charts and now that video has nearly 2 million views a high watch time and he has over 40k subs. Nothing is impossible you just need to know the how and when ! Hoped this helps!
I agree with some of these replies I disagree with the attitude. Learn how SEO works, sure if you are trying to review an iPhone there is more likelihood that you will not beat out the big guns but what if you reviewed the iPhone in a different way, for example just titling your video "iPhone review" will get you no where but "how strong is the new iPhones screen?- iPhone 8 review" with the aproprieate tags and speed to upload will.

There was a case study done on a guy call CZsworld he recently made a video pointing out things in the IT trailer. He did it well and quickly (bare in mind he had 3000 subs) and it topped the charts and now that video has nearly 2 million views a high watch time and he has over 40k subs. Nothing is impossible you just need to know the how and when ! Hoped this helps!

that's very true! you can take something old and turn it into something new just by putting a different spin on it!
You have two chances as a small channel to get views to your videos.

1) The chance of creating something viral, trending that gets big or
2) doing SEO...The chances of a small channel getting views throw seo is wayyy high.

I would have loved to see the channel of your daughter...I checked yours and here is an example of a keyword you would have targeted with the video Getting our Nails Painted at the Salon

After doing a quick research I came up with a keyword for that video. I haven't watched the video yet, but from the title I think you would have ranked with the keyword "getting our nails done vlog"

I am not sure, but I think there is a video with just 11 subs and 8 videos ranking for it. Your channel has way more videos and you are posting consistently, your channel has way more subscribers...competition wise your channel is beating the channel with just 11 subs and 8 videos.

I found many more channels you can compete with and most of the videos ranking are having large number of views.
Optimizing your video with that keyphrase will put your video easily on that rankings, at least for a couple of days, which is why it should have an attractive thumbnail.

Those initial click through counts

I am no way near an SEO expert, just using common sense...Its how I started growing my channel views and ever since then its been on the rise.

Hope that was helpful