People who say "Don't care about money" when joining a network...

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I see it fairly regularly over in the forum... stuff like:

"I don't care about money" or "I only want channel perks/copyright protection/access to music"

I really don't understand this attitude. Sure, many of the channels who say this are small, but there are plenty of reasons why you want to join a reasonable network rather than a terrible network:
  • A good network will have better/faster support
  • You could always donate any revenue to charity
  • Joining a scammy / terrible network just gives the scammy / terrible people who run them more money.
Your thoughts?

Not everyone is money-hungry.
I don't see why people should feel bad about making money off of Youtube. If you work really really hard at it, and have to relinquish other parts of your life to constantly upload then you should be able to make in to a job. Especially if you're offering something good/entertaining for the world of the Y Tube.

I think its when people try to hide that they're promoting something or "sell themselves out" I also hate meeting "YouTubers" who do it only to "make it big and make money" (I have met a couple... -.-). When the content purely becomes about advertising then there's a problem. But if they're honest with thier fans and true to themselves, then why not make some moolah.

I think a lot of people join networks for the promise of "it'll open your traffic sources up," "you'll get more views" and of course, money...
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