Overall growth guide for new/small channels.

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Well I've gotten over 14,000 subscribers which sounds good, but an incredible percentage of them are inactive so my channel's growth has been stunted. Any tips to help a youtuber in a pit of inactive subscribers?
Well I've gotten over 14,000 subscribers which sounds good, but an incredible percentage of them are inactive so my channel's growth has been stunted. Any tips to help a youtuber in a pit of inactive subscribers?
Inactive subscriber's doesn't mean s**t, subscriber's are just a number. Just imagine yourself having 500 subscribers instead of 14,000.
Thank you for all the effort you have put into these guides uberdanger.
It's a massive help for someone lost in the insane amount of information that goes with getting started with a youtube channel.
This guide has really helped cheer me up. I'm stuck in the 0-100 hump and knowing that's a difficult stage to break through has been a much-needed morale boost.
Currently i'm working on getting that first 100 subs i'm at 27, but it's difficult for me to draw traffic to my channel.. I wont give up though.!
I'm currently stuck around the 83-84 subscribers mark. Sometimes it hits 85 and then someone ubsubs or their account gets closed down. :(
My channel gains a few subscribers a day automatically and i'm at around the 3100 mark. Unfortunatly it seems that around 2950 are inactive and no longer watch my content. So sad :(