It's great to see your enthusiasm! About your outro, I'm awfully sorry, but I've been terribly busy, so I'll try my best to get to work on it asap. D:But... I WANTED TO BE A MODERATOR Dreams aside, congratulations Reina!
That's awesome soz! I took this name from a manga actually, hehe.Congrats Reina!
Love that name btw, reminds me of Higurashi.
LOL, hell no! We've plenty of delicious and NORMAL food here, haha. Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai, Dim Sum, Nasi Briyani, tonsss! I believe that the only place with the most weird foods is China. :/ Malaysia has 3 main races: Malays, Chinese, and Indians. We're a pretty diverse country. I think the best thing about the country is being able to witness and celebrate so many different cultures.Reina how about a big party at YtTalk
and I always wanted to know .. do people eat scorpions alive in Malaysia ??xD
i hope that is not true