Omg, someone help me PLEASE

No sorry if I confused you. Im not getting any ID matches.
But ok. I hope im getting this right.... Could I PM you by any chance? I just want to ask you some things.

Oh I see what you mean now. But I would still do that all the same it may help. Otherwise you may have to keep providing the proof maybe? You can PM me if you like.
Frankie, it wouldn't be ideal for the originator to switch to CC. That would open the content up to anyone who wanted to use it, rather than keeping it limited to the friend with permission.
Oh I see what you mean now. But I would still do that all the same it may help. Otherwise you may have to keep providing the proof maybe? You can PM me if you like.
Okay, sent you a message on Facebook. On your Frankie Girl Gamer page.
contact the network and explain what the situation is. I might have a higher up/ manager email from social blade if you want to message them with this info or i can get you in touch with a fullscreen partner manager and gives you a better chance at getting in and then you can them exactly whats going on
contact the network and explain what the situation is. I might have a higher up/ manager email from social blade if you want to message them with this info or i can get you in touch with a fullscreen partner manager and gives you a better chance at getting in and then you can them exactly whats going on

Actually, that would be fantastic. I send Social Blade a ticket, but maybe direct content would be better. But if you could get in touch with fullscreen, that would be the best. Thank you so much for your help!
Actually, that would be fantastic. I send Social Blade a ticket, but maybe direct content would be better. But if you could get in touch with fullscreen, that would be the best. Thank you so much for your help!

before i get you involved with a manager try this email first as they are very helpful. tell them ghostlyrich sent you if you want
You need to get screenshots of him saying exactly this to you : I, [artist], give you permission to use my [music] royalty-free for commercial purposes