Officially linked my channel with Centus (ForelaDigital)

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There should be a form for the guardians/parents to sign, because half the time the minors just ignore it. I mean you can ignore what I am saying because u want to draw "in" the dumb kids, I read it and mine agreed but I decided to leave and it was too late. But if u want to have a company not trying to trick kids please do that cuz a lot of networks do that, they send a form to the parent for approval
There should be a form for the guardians/parents to sign, because half the time the minors just ignore it. I mean you can ignore what I am saying because u want to draw "in" the dumb kids, I read it and mine agreed but I decided to leave and it was too late. But if u want to have a company not trying to trick kids please do that cuz a lot of networks do that, they send a form to the parent for approval

That kinda does make sense. Most Minors don't even give a crap about reading a whole entire list of what the thing offers they just wanna quickly get over with it and get all the things done.
1. I did not have a minor sign the contract, by submitting the contract the person hereby agrees if they are under 18 they have approval from their parent/guardian.
2. We feel that is very high default split for partners. I know of numerous networks offering 50/50 splits.
3. We do have 24 hour support, if I am not online one of my affiliates always is. They just need to contact them.

We thought that people would gather per 1000 views means per 1000 monetized views of course. Most networks do the same, its just less complicated.

Currently I am the only person that works for my network and it is going to stay that way until I form a company in the future. As I said, if he read the contract he would know by applying his parents or guardians give him permission.
How can one of your affiates be on if you are the one working for Centus? Also, you cannot assuming people will know that is monetized views which is only 30-50 %. That is blatent false advertising. Not trying to bash you. I am trying to help you before someone sues you. And you are the bottom of a pyrimid scheme.
Please take this up via PM if you need to discuss such things, the OP has had several answers here and I think this thread has served its purpose now.
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