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Wow, Congratulations Katherine :)
I'd apply but given that I have only just joined, I doubt there's much going for me at the moment. I'm sure when I've gotten around the forums a bit more another opportunity may present itself.

Thank you! It was fun having you in the hangout! I hope you'll join more often. Glad you go to joining this site :)

LOL I saw Katherine on the staff list and was like- Time to post a thread, but I found this :p
I'd like to be added to the list. :redface2:

I just saw myself on the Staff List for the first time, just a few minutes ago. It's.....strange.......I like it!
Thank you! It was fun having you in the hangout! I hope you'll join more often. Glad you go to joining this site :)

I just saw myself on the Staff List for the first time, just a few minutes ago. It's.....strange.......I like it!
Yes now you can command us slave monkeys around!
Gawsh that sounds like fun :p
Yes now you can command us slave monkeys around!
Gawsh that sounds like fun :p

Nooooooo! I won't be commanding anyone! :p Maybe a little :p

I see no reason not to join hehe. Just let me know when the next one is :)

Sure! We'll tag you :)

Congratulations to Katherinejane001, JohnKenShow and Gabriel, I look forward to working with all of you and thank you for dedicating your time to helping out :)

And thank you so much for the opportunity!
I would like to be added to the interested list, I may not always post, but I do come everyday and do a sweep of anything I may want to be a part of.
Thank you.
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