New "step" in Publishing Videos


I've Got It
Good Morning YTtalk

Just published a video this morning and there was an extra step, to go through, before I could finish.

I think it was called "check" and it scans your video for any copyright issues.

Not sure how I feel about this yet. Guess it would be nice to know about an issue before hand, but I can envision this becoming a problem, if it does it incorrect, will it allow you to publish the video at all?

Just a friendly heads up.
It's the same exact check that used to happen after you published the video.
If youtube is your full time job, seeing this check before hand gives you time to clear stuff, fix claims or dispute claims before you publish. If you upload a video and it gets claimed, you don't make any money from ads. It's better to know before. Most full time youtuber would upload their video as private to check before hand. It's better that everyone now knows about the check before hand.

how much of a video can you show without getting claimed, you can technically check with dozens of videos now without risk (I think) of getting a strike, which is much worst then a claim.

Here's a video by the official YouTube Creators youtube channels [link here].

They announced it yesterday or 2 days ago.
Yeah just saw this when I uploaded a new video this morning. I agree it's good to know as soon as possible about any copyright shenanigans.
I am unfortunately pretty cynical, especially with Youtube. Don't trust them as far as i can throw them. That is not very far at all. Just hope this is not going to hinder uploads if I have like 10 seconds of a song in the background or something.

But as the base functionality of it, and the idea behind it; I do like it.
Yeah it's really nice. Also it gives you all the info needed to change something, dispute it, or it just lets you know something is up! Links galore also. Kinda hard to understand as a beginner though.