New Forums and Forums Organised

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The ornaments around my avatar really gives a good christmassy feeling, I'd say. The reviews and milestones page now looks much better and far better organized. The entire change is just absolutely brilliant. I'm sure it was a major pain in the a**e to make all of these changes so we can't thank you enough Michael, for all the hard work. Thank you, good sir. :)
Hey everyone,

As of today we have created brand new forums as subforums within the Videos, Channels, Reviews and Milestones forum so everything is better organised for those looking to watch other peoples videos, this should really be beneficial for everyone here.

Rather than having one forum with threads being created in there and having yours disappear quickly onto the next page your threads should now stay visible for longer depending on your video category.

In addition we now have a forum solely for your milestone announcements so you can let us all know when you gain partnership or hit a subscriber or view milestone as well as a new forum which is for review requests, within this new forum you can request your video or channel to be reviewed to help you gain feedback from others.

Bumping is still available with all of these new forums!

We would like for all members new and old to post their new videos or channels within these categories so everything is more organised, you will most likely want to choose the same category you placed your video in on YouTube as they are 99% the same categories with only a couple missing/altered.

If your video or channel doesn't quite fit into the other forums you may opt to post it within the Other category.

With the threads which didn't have a prefix set we have moved these to the new Other category, some in there may be incorrect but in time those will of course will be pushed back.

It has been a big job for us moving and organising over 11k threads but it has finally been done and we are very excited to see how things go with this.

To view the new categories you simply visit the Videos, Channels, Reviews and Milestones forum on the homepage or here:

All in all these forums are for you to post your videos within the relevant category or your channel in the most relevant category along with sub4sub requests, box4box and so on.

As of today we no longer allow threads on YTtalk promoting or recruiting for networks/partnership networks and we will be adding this to our terms soon. What this means is if someone represents a network and wishes to advertise the network they may only contact us if they wish to advertise.

I myself am very happy with this change, it should be beneficial for everyone and make these threads easier to find and access and hopefully help people find you.

Thank you for reading and happy posting :)

PS. Please let me know if you are unable to post within any of the new forums, there may be a permission missed for some members and if so, send me a message so I can fix it asap, there usually is a permission error somewhere with new forums being added.

Thanks again!
Yay thanks for the upgrades!
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