Vlog Need people to do funny readings of Reddit hate comments aimed at me


The nerdy guy in the cool hat!
I recently found many of my videos under the "Cringe" subreddit and many of the comments were less then kind. I could be all hurt and stop making videos or use it as an opportunity for comedy!

I need people to do readings of these hate comments and i will use them in a video (will link and annotate your channel) These readings can be how ever you want them but they must be funny and the more outlandish you are the better.

here are a few "Characters" i think would be funny
  • guy/girl in smoking jacket (or just a robe) reading it like it's classic literature
  • guy/girl sitting at a computer typing furiously as they say what they are typing (shot from the perspective of the computer/webcam) - EDIT: Taken
  • guy/girl trying to act all cool and mean but his/her mom calls down the hall to them and keeps interrupting
These are the kinds of videos i am looking for and if you are interested email me at thefedoranerd @ Gmail and i will assign you a comment. Please let me know what the style of your video so we don't have everyone doing the same style.

When people make fun of me i turn it around and use it as fuel to keep making videos!
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Haha, great idea! That reminds me of something I saw the other day but I forgot what the video was called.... It was kinda the same thing. It also reminds me of the sprint commercial! Gawd, I love that!
Haha, great idea! That reminds me of something I saw the other day but I forgot what the video was called.... It was kinda the same thing. It also reminds me of the sprint commercial! Gawd, I love that!

Only think you can do with hate is ignore it or expose for how stupid it is in the first place.
Often the thing that is cringe worthy is the desperation by some people to put someone down to get a little bit of upvote fame on reddit when really it's not that cringeworthy :/

Anyway I put my hand up!
The funny think is there were actually a surprising number of people who said something like "not bad" or "this is not cringe worry" and the posts were not very popular for very long.
Yeah, not every cringe user is on board the lets-change-/r/cringe-to-/r/WeHateFedoras-train...

(Yeah, I sometimes say "yeah" a lot...)