Need help with the links

Moe Othman

I've Got It
Hey everyone,

So i recently got a banner created for me, but I'm really bad at trying to add the link codes to the banner. ( to make it clickable)

Can someone take my banner and attach my social media to the links please? The banner is currently uploaded on my youtube page. I think you can "steal the image by just clicking " save background image", if you can't ill email the banner to you. my email is

Thank you so much for your help!

the 4 links are:
(Subscribe) -
(Instagram) -
(Twitter) -
(Facebook) - and make sure the banner is the right piece of the background. Open google chrome and select the background, if you did it correct you see a blue (selected mark) where the banner is. That is what you need for image-maps.
Yep that's what I used was image-maps when I did mine. It's kinda weird at first but you should get used to it pretty quick.
Lmao thank you.

And omg I tried that mapping things ages ago and I failed miserably..... Yet I'm a medical student and I can open u and stitch u back lol