My youtube channel is being Harrassed and Raided!

best thing you can do is just ignore it, any interaction actually helps your video even if its a dislike, acknowledging it or bringing attention to it is going to make whoever is doing it keep doing it. where if you ignore it they will get bored and move on. if there leaving bad comments you can hide/block/delete there comments
I just checked your last video - I see you've put a pinned comment telling viewers not to take any notice of the downvotes. That's a terrible idea. All you're doing is drawing attention to it and it also makes you look desperate with low self-esteem.

If it really bothers you, go to the advanced settings for the video, then uncheck "Users can view ratings for this video"

But my advice would be to stop being so sensitive. If dislikes from strangers on the interweb bother you, you shouldn't be doing YouTube.

I don’t know much about Warframs, but I can agree with Evo here about the statement. Trolls never stay around long if you don’t draw attention to them. I think pointing them out is a way to prolong the hate.

Sorry to hear, but (as a YouTube beginner) I think there is not much you can do other than ride it through.
Sad truth is you can't do anything about it but to be honest that is not bad... one of my videos got 1000 dislikes lmao. Likes and Dislikes don't really affect a channel, there are other more important stats you should focus on, so just ignore them... they will go away. Many of my haters went away cause they couldn't defeat my content, all the likes and support. As long as they are watching the video,,, some haters are even better than some of your inactive subscribers
Not everyone will like your video, relax, keep uploading and soon they’ll be gone. There’s no such thing as a reputation on YouTube, just
because some people dislike your video doesn’t mean everybody who watches it will.

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Can´t you block them and remove the comments? I don´t think you can do anything about the dislikes but as mentioned in this thread a dislike is just as good as a like (Seen with YouTube eyes of cours). I know it sucks but try not to worry about it and see it as more "action" on your vids and Youtube like that so it´s good for your channel:up2:
I found like 2 of them and banned them. THe people who messed with me are cowards and losers. They hide once they are exposed and tried to acccuse me of hacking too (-___-). They wont be coming back i dont think I made sure of it
Yeah. I am pretty sensitive to this type of stuff. My PSA message kind of worked i guess because on some videos I a getting better reception and I think some people are understanding what is going on. This is kind of stupid freaking out over this guys. I just hate when this stuff happens and do not want to resort to being that guy who disables people from seeing who liked and disliked my video. Thank you guys for your support though. It helped me out a lot.[DOUBLEPOST=1544850607,1544850495][/DOUBLEPOST]
just glimpse your channel, your channel is good, who care what did your ex cruel friends do. they just make your channel is outstanding.
just dont give a f**k with what they did :)

wow man i gotta check yours out now lol. I am suprised a lot of people dont like some of my vids. I need to prioritize more on creativity than uploading vids now so i will try to make very creative videos. STAY TUNED![DOUBLEPOST=1544851289][/DOUBLEPOST]
I really didn't check out your channel, but just chill out man. You said you're getting botted, when before you said you were being raided, which are two different things. If you can't take people not liking you than you probably shouldn't put yourself out there for everyone's opinions and judgement. No offense but Youtube might not be the place for you.
I got botted by people who didnt like me on another platform its not just random people who actually ocme to my videos trolling me. I havent been making creative videos which is why a lot of content seems the same. Im changing that tho so ya. People are ok with my videos I just got botted.