My Virool Experience

Not yet, it might take about 24 hours. I reckon it got just over (probably around 310 views at the most). But we shall see! I am curious to see what the number is after it un-freezes.
wow.. so if you think about it like buying views (like you mentioned you feel like you cheated) then it's like $10 per 130 views :')
definitely doesn't seem like the kind of website that can help something with a small budget to grow :/
wow.. so if you think about it like buying views (like you mentioned you feel like you cheated) then it's like $10 per 130 views :')
definitely doesn't seem like the kind of website that can help something with a small budget to grow :/

Yep it just isn't good. Mind you, given their standard 'recommended' amount is $1,000 a DAY, that shows what kind of audience they are targeting!
Yep it just isn't good. Mind you, given their standard 'recommended' amount is $1,000 a DAY, that shows what kind of audience they are targeting!
yer it sure does, it's such a high price point :') but if you think about it like that if around $10 = 140 views (in this case it's around that) then $1,000 a day would get you like 14k views a day :) but this really is for people with money who just need the attention but have the money already :)
yer it sure does, it's such a high price point :') but if you think about it like that if around $10 = 140 views (in this case it's around that) then $1,000 a day would get you like 14k views a day :) but this really is for people with money who just need the attention but have the money already :)

I think it'd be great if you were a celeb selling an album and were advertising your music video. But I can't see any real reason for a 'standard' YouTuber to spend any more than a tester $10-20 on it.
I think it'd be great if you were a celeb selling an album and were advertising your music video. But I can't see any real reason for a 'standard' YouTuber to spend any more than a tester $10-20 on it.
yer or a new film or something, it's just an easy way to advertise instead of going to all the websites one by one and buying a little advertising space :)
Going to try this with $10 which is like £6 on my Channel Trailer video. Not something I'll probably do every again, but I'm intrigued and got a spare £6 in my PayPal. Will report back :)
whoa having $20 run out so quickly is if you are looking for tons of'd need a bucket load of cash. Thanks for the review Frankie and I agree that views subbies and interaction all go hand in without the other seems...naked
Thank you Frankie. I had seen the ad on the side there, stating "millions of views guaranteed" and I was wondering what that was all about. Sorry you didn't gain any subs from it though :(