My experience with Fullscreen

30% is alot guys.. I would never give away 30% of my revenue.
You wont be making anything if your adsense get's banned and Google does it all the time so they don't have to cut a check out. All it takes is one ******* to click bomb one of your videos and all the work you have done will be for nothing. You will not be able to join a network or make money ever again when it does get banned. I can't tell you how many times I have see this here. I'm telling you that 30 percent is nothing compared to all the things that a good network does for you.
30% is alot guys.. I would never give away 30% of my revenue.

The usual Split is around 20% - 30% or if you are an Top YouTuber with a few Millions Views each Week between 10% - 15%. As Kiesha has already said it really does depend on your Contract and while even an 20% Split seem to be kinda high in the End it does often pay out to sign an Contract with some of the Networks since their CPM/CTR is higher then that one from YouTube.
I make good money with Youtube. So when I would join and made for example 900 euro in a month they would get like 300 from me LOL. that's not good dude..

Think about it like this:

With Adsense - Yes, you get paid a lot - But with Adsense there's always a chance that you could get click-bombed and your account locked for good, end of, no Google discussion about it.

Without Adsense & With a network - Very well protected from being click bombed, and if you leave the network in the future to join another one, it'll be easy and the options will be better.

In the long run I'd say that a network is the best option.