My channel is not visible in YouTube search

Still a new channel. Gotta’ upload more videos, and ensure you’ve got people watching them. Searching for your channel, will result in finding your channel, but you’ll probably find it few pages in. Gotta’ build your channels recognition, by posting videos, getting views, Subscribers, and by having people search for your channel. Among many other things.
I just searched for your channel name and it was right on the top. So it's there, it may just not showing up for you since you are the owner.
I highly suggest installing YouTube Buddy on your browser, it will allow you to get your videos into Google and YouTube search results and it will even show you the rank of each tag that you've used. I've ben using it or the past year and it has helped my channel immensely.

Also, use Google and YouTube searches to find the best and most specific YouTube tags, genera tags will not get you views.