Most popular categories asides gaming?

Interesting how everyone is naming different types of videos. I guess after gaming there's no general consensus- we only know based on what we've seen because YouTube is so big. Personally I think a lot of them are in essence tied- there are popular people in each genre
Niche travel seems to work well. Disney content works very well for me, because Disney has a very large, dedicated fandom. I think thats why gaming is so popular...large, dedicated fandom. Otherwise, my regular vlogs do really well as long as the topics are interesting.

Beauty product reviews and tutorials do really well. They don't seem to be going away anytime soon.
Q&A videos, vlogs & even sit down videos do really well too! As long as you can get your point across then thats all that matters at the end of the day :)
Toy reviews by far. Actually this is the biggest category on YouTube - it simply refelcts the predominantly kids composed audiance of YT.
Search on Google for 100 interesting YouTube statistics. I'm sure Business Insider or someone posted it.

Basically, in 2014 for example the number one most searched term was "music". Followed interestingly by "Minecraft".

Percentage of YouTube video views that are music videos: %34