Mobile Views


I've Got It
Do any networks currently include mobile views in their payments? I know Machinima does not, which is disappointing because when you watch YouTube vids on the iPhone they have embedded ads. These ads mean someone is getting paid somewhere, and it's not us! More than 50% of my views come from mobile devices.

Does anyone have any information on the potential migration of networks to paid mobile ads? This will be a hot topic in the next 12 months....

So everyone please contribute to the list:

Machinima - no
Fullscreen -
Vultra -
Maker -
Yeousch -
good to know you vultra does. I think i do as long as a ad is displayed with fullscreen. i have to admit i am getting p****d with everyone turning mobile views off i enjoy watching and checking people's videos well i am out and about on my cellphone but everyone's disabling them.. oh well.
It's frustrating that mobile views don't count....I think the networks still get paid for those ads.
that's nice to know XD is it from the report that was given every 1st of the month?
no.. not really.. the report just shows monetized views that are paid for.. but comparing it to my youtube analytics and knowing how many mobile views i got vs the views i was paid for.. there were quite a few mobile views paid..
no.. not really.. the report just shows monetized views that are paid for.. but comparing it to my youtube analytics and knowing how many mobile views i got vs the views i was paid for.. there were quite a few mobile views paid..
oh ok thanks for the info
no.. not really.. the report just shows monetized views that are paid for.. but comparing it to my youtube analytics and knowing how many mobile views i got vs the views i was paid for.. there were quite a few mobile views paid..

Just out of curiosity, what % of your views come from mobile devices?