Making '''youtube friends''''

I went to VidCon in 2017, there were definitely a lot of opportunities to meet other creators there. I got the creator pass and went to some of the workshops, it was neat because one of the groups we had someone who hadn't started their channel and someone who was doing a full time kids tv type channel, so a full range of experience. There were some really known people just wandering around. They claimed they were making changes after that for future events so I'm not sure what it was like this year. The workshops were probably the best part, the community track events were interesting but even the ones about building a channel were very shallow in the advice and the creator track ones were what I was really wanting to see. It was really cool just to be around all of these creators and fans and to just feel like what you are doing matters to people. A lot of people I interact with daily have no comprehension about my channel or what goes into it so it was really crazy to suddenly be around so many people who understood in a way.
Cheers for the insight! Definitely on my bucket list of things to do. Maybe not next year but possibly the year after. I've also seen about Summer In The City so that might be something for this year. Glad that you had a positive experience.
I Used to make gaming videos and from that I was able to meet (Online) a lot of people and got to know alot of them and become friends. After that I took a year long break and switched to film making video... its been substantially harder to make youtuber friends in this section. It seems like everyone I find either has 10k plus subs or less then 20 and posts a vlog or something once every 6 months lol. So I'm still working on this area myself.
I've been out of touch for a while and overtime I just lost touch with a lot of online friends here and there.

On the other hand I seem to have been running into new friends and co-workers offline due to YouTube. I even met an up-and-comer gamer YouTuber, so we hang out and give each other pointers.

But hey, 23 isn't so bad. Just wait til you're 30 lol. Just keep at it and you'll find your own group both on YouTube or on this forum.