Machinima Partner

I dont live in contries with good CPM like USA or England.
Secondly, how are you considering other networks if you have (i assume) a 3 year contract with Machinima?
I am not looking for another network to join any time soon, however I can still gather information about another network.
I am like you....most of my views come from JPN, so not sure how much I would get for all my views....
Have you received a payment from Machinima yet?
No, that is why I am wondering how much I can expect, I just hit 1k subs and want to put together a plan to celebrate!
I wanted to know how much I will be getting from Big M, so I can start buying gadgets to give away to viewers!!

I have 280k views just for this past month, not sure how much this will bring in though
No, that is why I am wondering how much I can expect, I just hit 1k subs and want to put together a plan to celebrate!
I wanted to know how much I will be getting from Big M, so I can start buying gadgets to give away to viewers!!

I have 280k views just for this past month, not sure how much this will bring in though
In you contract it should say if you have a fixed CPM or if it varies...
In you contract it should say if you have a fixed CPM or if it varies...
I know for fact it is not fixed. it is percentage. However I do not know what I can expect, If I have received payment before hand, then I would have some kind of estimate, but since I have not
I do not know 280k views will translate to.....
I know for fact it is not fixed. it is percentage. However I do not know what I can expect, If I have received payment before hand, then I would have some kind of estimate, but since I have not
I do not know 280k views will translate to.....
I`ve heard from their percentage based partners some have less than $1 CPMs and some have over $2, havnt really heard much higher, ànd then most seem to be on a 60/40 split with occasional guy on the 70/30 split