Commentary Looking for someone who can write scripts


New Member
Im looking to work with a dedicated script writer as that seems to be what takes me the longest when im working on a video. I am looking for someone who can be write interesting, intellectually, and with a hint of "childish" yet thought provoking comedy (Hank Green, mixed with college humor, mixed with philly D, mixed with filthy frank)

Its Alot to ask for sure, but I have videos to show my work, and we will usually work on the scripts/ research together, (I had in mind that you write the second script as i edit record and animate the first one to have a constant flow of videos)


Hopefully you have experience, but a strong will and passion is always the first thing i look for :)

I will do the audio recordings, animations, editing, marketing etc, Im hopefully building a team that will hopefully take off, and you will be credited, and if there is income you will receive your appropriate portion

Email me at with any work you've done or ideas :)
This sounds really interesting, i wouldnt class myself as a writer, but i can write comedy sketches if need be, my humour seen in my comedy sketches may be of an acquired taste however :)