Comedy Looking for Online comedy partner and starting series to promote youtubers

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I would be interested in the 'let's promote' thing for sure! I wouldn't mind doing a collab video some time as well! I wouldn't be able to do a full time collab though, just a video or two because I am already trying to stay pretty busy with my channel right now and I think things are about to get even more busier for my channel soon lol, so I don't really want to be making a commitment towards being a full time collab partner at the time :p
Hi, my name is Aaron and Im 15 years old, im looking for someone around my age to do some comedy with it can be within games, video reviews even convos.
Also launching a lets promote series because i know its hard for some youtubers to get noticed so i will be promoting their youtube channels. Please leave your email for the lets promote and the comedy partner.
For the lets promote i will be reviewing your content and making a video about your channel and why people should visit it. Please make sure you have atleast 1 video on your channel :)
If I wasn't so busy, i would help ya out. Best of luck :)
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