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Channel Name: itsgrantcasual / Grant Casual
Age: 17
Years doing YouTube: over 2 years
What YouTube has doen for you: Discovered what i want to do for the rest of my life, i can help people through their lives with as much as a simple video message or make someones day and i had no idea i could do this 2.5 years ago. I got accepted to film school because of my work on youtube and that really shone a brighter light apon my path.[DOUBLEPOST=1370552382,1370552242][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh and also, yeah you have my permission to take from my videos. if you do, i recommend taking from my "as high school ends" video as there are some good comedy points in there that i am proud of! they'res a few in my super powers video when it's talking about my hair being a superpower attacking people and stopping crime.