Other Looking for EVERY vlogger.

Channel Name: JTMulcahy
Age: 18
Years doing YouTube: 6 months
What YouTube has done for you: Youtube has given me the opportunity to experience life and meet some wonderful new people.

My personal favorite quote is: "Keep Moving Forward"~Walt Disney
Yeah from one of your videos.

Oh right okay then well here you go:

Channel name: ThatRandyVlogger
Age: 15 (16 on June 20th)
Years doing YouTube: 3 but on this channel about 4-5 months
What YouTube has done for me: Found me a new hobbie something I enjoy doing and influencing others to join too. It has also created me a new group of friends and also got me to start doing gfx for free and that is also something new I enjoy doing.

You have permission to use one of my videos but you must tell me which one and also send it to me when you do so I can see you credited me ect.

Thanks for this awsome experience and cant wait to see the video.
Well, if you're going to quote people, than it would be way more interesting to just insert a piece of video than to read what they have said and use video only of a completely different video...

Also: would you mind linking that film-video so people can get an idea?
Well, if you're going to quote people, than it would be way more interesting to just insert a piece of video than to read what they have said and use video only of a completely different video...

Also: would you mind linking that film-video so people can get an idea?

Sure np,
Okay, now I get what you're going for...

Just my opinion on this: While I really like the Film is Beautiful video, I would say that this format isn't as good for a video about vlogging. Film is more of a one sided medium, while vlogging enables to discuss and interact with one another. So I would say that it would be more suitable to make a video that not only has multiple opinions, but multiple voices. Using video and audio of multiple vloggers with kinda narrating / leading through the video from quote to quote (clip to clip). But like I said, just my 2 cents on how I would approach this.