Animation Looking for Animators to collab and help grow each others channels out?

I would like to collab. I'm a 2D animator, but I also know how to use SFM.
Hi Kentri. I'm thinking of starting up a 2D collab with different animators sometime this spring, Even though it's a collab, I want create a unified style, so I I have to figure a way on how I'm going to teach my own philosophy on how I animate. I'll keep you posted.
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I don't know what happened to my first post, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm also interested in doing a collab with you. I also do hand made animations and models. :) feel free to check out my channel. I have also sent you an email as well. ^_^
I don't know what happened to my first post, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm also interested in doing a collab with you. I also do hand made animations and models. :) feel free to check out my channel. I have also sent you an email as well. ^_^
Got yourE-mail!
Very bizzare Robo Designs lol, I'm not too familiar with the Gundam so I'm not if that's common place. Very nice work man.
I know your not a fan of 2d animation but............................................................................. Yeah!
So I have 2 animation series on my Youtube channel Ball vs Stick Season 1 Its about a ball vs a stickman its the first animation series I made and re-watching it... its really cringy.
My 2nd series is Ball vs Sick season 2 (I'm going to rename it Stickman vs _______ ) unlike the first season this one has a "Story".The first 3 episodes are kinda cringy as well but the newer ones are much better because I learner much more about animation.
Could you just give the 2nd Season a look and see what you think?
I would send a link but it wont let me, you can just search Zzblast on youtube to find my channel and the playlist of the 2nd season.
I know your not a fan of 2d animation but............................................................................. Yeah!
So I have 2 animation series on my Youtube channel Ball vs Stick Season 1 Its about a ball vs a stickman its the first animation series I made and re-watching it... its really cringy.
My 2nd series is Ball vs Sick season 2 (I'm going to rename it Stickman vs _______ ) unlike the first season this one has a "Story".The first 3 episodes are kinda cringy as well but the newer ones are much better because I learner much more about animation.
Could you just give the 2nd Season a look and see what you think?
I would send a link but it wont let me, you can just search Zzblast on youtube to find my channel and the playlist of the 2nd season.

Very strange animations, but not in a bad way lol. Like the 'Time to hit the Hay' and the Jimmy Neutron piece those were weird.
I really enjoyed you're stick vs ball pieces the most, as I felt it showcased your skills more, good sense of poses and even though they're stick drawings you make them in a way that have charm to it. I gave a sub to see how the series will grows over time.

I am in no way against 2D animation by the way, Both mediums have there pros and cons, I actually like the flexibility 2D gives in terms of drawing. But I feel 3D is more efficient in producing out work faster since you can build over the assets you develop over the years.