Gaming Looking for a small recording group


New Member
Hello, I'm Hift, Me and a couple friends are looking for a YouTube group, not a large group.
We are not looking for fame just looking for a fun time playing games.

There some requirements but they're pretty typical:
Good Microphone
Fast running computer
Headphones (so we can't here gameplay through your mic)
No background noise
Know how to edit
Be above the age of 15

And we have alot of games to play but here are the main ones we play:
Garry's Mod
Left 4 Dead 2

Please NOTE this! For this small YouTube Group we wan't to grow together, we don't care about fame or views sense we're smaller channels, so I ask if you can be under 50 subscribers

Thanks! If you're interested add me on discord: Hift#6179
Hi, I saw you yttalk and would love to collab with you. I am 13 and have pretty good humar and 110 subscribers about. I am looking for people to play Steam games with such as Garry's mod, UNO, Stick fight, CS:GO, Rust, Portal 2, H1Z1, GTA V, Golf it + Golf With Your Friends, Left 4 dead 1+2, and Paladins. Also some other non-steam games I would love to record are, and Cards Against Humanity. Games I won't play are Fortnite, PUBG, Gang Beasts (not yet), Cod black ops (All games), and Team Fortress 2. If you accept me in accept my friend request and invite to a group or anything that you have and I would love to play with you. I record and stream daily so I am a pretty active person. I hope to join you and I will hope to see you if you see this and confirm of it. Also I know I am 13 but I am pretty funny according to some friends n' fans. Bye!