Gaming Looking for a Serious 16 and Up Group


I've Got It
Hello my friend and I are looking for people to put time and effort in playing and recording with us we mainly just want to have fun and have some laughs. we are 17 and looking for pc players we don't care if your good or bad at any games we want to laugh and have fun thats our main objective
Games We Have
Rainbow Six Siege
Golf With your friends
and many more
we are thinking of getting UNO

If you have any games that you'd like us to get just let us know!

My Discord is CosmicStrawberryYT#3760
My Friends Discord is NooiceGamer#2291
Hi, I would like to play with you guys and have some fun. I am 16 and don't have any experience with pc gaming but I am here to laugh. Please respond soon I would love to play with you guys.
Ayy, I got some similar games and would love to get back into youtube again.(btw 17 too)
discord is the same name #2883
Hi! I have a small channel (around 50subs). I'm currntly looking for some people to play with and your offer seems cool. If you wanna collab message me on discord at: Freakygeak20#6247 I'm 17 btw