Wiggly Cinema

Liking YTtalk
So currently in a Vlogger and I am also in college. This means that most of my time needs to be spent on education. To combat this problem I thought it'd be a good idea to just record footage all throughout the week and put up a 20-30 minute video on Mondays. Currently I do 3 videos a week which are about 3 minutes. Which do you think would be better?
I can relate to being in college and not having as much time to dedicate to youtube. Although, I think it would be better to stick with the smaller videos. I couldn't find time to watch a 20 minute video during school unless it's a tutorial or something that i'm searching for specifically. I think your retention time will go down unless they are really interested in the video or your content.
With over 100 videos up several years doing it and trying to learn, I can tell you that my average watch time is 4 minutes. Even for in depth tutorials of around 10 minutes. It seems to me that the "average" YT viewers can be lured into around 4 minutes of view time but not much more very often. Think about your own viewing habits.
Personally, if I see a video, especially a vlog thats over 5-7 minutes long, I dont even bother clicking. Separate those 20-30 minutes and post them throughout the week. More consistency and more content, its a win-win situation in my book.
Thanks man. I never thought about just cutting up a long video and putting that out.[DOUBLEPOST=1484521505,1484521482][/DOUBLEPOST]Any advice on gaming content?
Thanks man. I never thought about just cutting up a long video and putting that out.[DOUBLEPOST=1484521505,1484521482][/DOUBLEPOST]Any advice on gaming content?

Gaming contents are slightly different but you must be interesting enough (commentary) to actually pass with over 10 mins videos.

If you know who m0e (CSGO Youtuber) is, that's a good example.
Thanks. I'll look him up and check out his content. I thought about maybe experimenting with gaming content just to see if I'm better at it. I'm trying to find a niche I can provide sense the space for Gaming and Vlogging is crowded.
Pumping out one super long video a week might be a bit troublesome as the average persons attention span is pretty short. If you could split up that 30 minutes and upload it throughout the week it would work out better!