JD´s World Hits 500 total views

What is Metadata? :O
Since you are a fellow ginger I´ll let you in on the secret ;)
That is the book you will learn to love if you plan on making a career out of being a YouTuber... GINGER POWER ACTIVATE!!!:cool:

--- merged: Mar 25, 2012 10:29 PM ---
p.s I also hit the view counter wall of 303 on the YTtalk Promotional Video... My first view counter wall breaker since I started my channels woot!
Those are some good tips in that 'book'. I also need to try out that 'previous video' screen thing you showed me. Either way congratulations again, 300 views in a day is ka-razy! :)
I asked my friend to contact some type of YouTube official to make sure those views are legit as I feel they are coming in faster than they should or at least I feel they are coming faster than they should be since it´s just a 32 second promo video. Sure I ***** my new links around 30 different forums and venues and I work on the metadata and all that but I don´t know... I am getting likes and subscribers with the views but I am just afraid of the whole "Bot attacks" some people have been experiencing on YouTube and I do NOT want to get featured because of some ******* that decided "oh this one needs a bot attack yarrr"

But if those views are legit I am extremely happy! That would mean my ******* around the internet is working lol

I know I write the word "*****" a lot but I don´t mean it in a bad way, it´s just a forum expression which I should probably stop using...

Sure I ***** my new links around 30 different forums and venues

So...you're cheating on us?

Promotion is really important, so if you're working on that it would explain the views, which is a good thing. You're on the right track, I don't think you've been viewbotted. And if you're getting likes/subscribers from it, I wouldn't worry too much. With that being said, if you wake up in the morning with 10k views then I would worry.
I actually have a circle of people who promote me on various forums, I don´t do it myself per say, I give them the link and they do what ever they want with it... I post on 2 forums myself, this one and the other one is my WoW guild forum...

I don´t pay people to promote my videos, it´s just friends who think I have potential (I shall prove them wrong somehow lol)... But I still call it ******* myself out to around 30 forums as I know there are at least 30 people in the circle of friends I have and they all "live" on different forums including music forums, gaming forums, cooking forums, video making forums, anime forums and I actually think p**n forums as well LOL... hey! Exposure is exposure right haha

But yea, you are probably right... View Botting would probably be much quicker than the gradual slow increase I am getting and not to mention the subs and likes I am getting... do view bots do that? I thought they were all about just views and the inability to like or subscribe!

It does help a lot to have people who believe in you and want to help out like that... Which is why I love this forum, it´s got so much to offer! It´s amazing! The warm welcomes I´ve gotten ,the great feedback I´ve been given... This is THE place for YouTubers to share their knowledge and gain some in the process!
