Is it that hard to gain subscribers?

A lot of people will tell you it's mostly just luck, but really that's not true, there is some luck involved, but if you do put a lot of work into your channel, you will gain more attention. If there's anything I've learned from watching other YT'ers, gaining a huge amount of subs in a short time is not always a good thing, you want your channel to grow constantly, but at a reasonable pace. That way you don't feel stressed to put more content on your channel. and by the time you do start getting the higher numbers, you'll have a lot of content for people to look at. One of the best ways to get your self known is to be social as possible. Watch other YouTubers and comment on their videos, I've gotten a few subs that checked out my channel because they saw me commenting on some else's channel. Get involved with the YouTube community by hanging around on forums and interacting with people, it could be a casual conversation or you can be asking for help or advise.

Twitter is a real good place to be social, but you need to remember that places like twitter and facebook were not intended to gain subs, they are intended to be places where you can keep your fans up to date on your life, and have fun conversations with your friends and fans. you ever seen a popular YouTuber doing nothing but posting their videos on FB and Twitter? nope, they are posting Vines, funny pictures, pictures of themselves, and telling about how something crazy happened while they were out for a walk. Even if no one is following you on social media websites, do it any way, pretend you already have a bunch of followers, because when somebody new actually shows up, they'll see that your a real person and not just a video post spammer. Always respond to comments. from the perspective of a fan, a YouTuber that never responds to comments despite the fact they only have a few subs is annoying, it makes the fans feel like you don't care about them, and that the only thing you care about is subs.

And most importantly, remember what YouTube is really about... "you" people come around to see if you have good content, but they stay for YOU. they subscribe because YOU are funny and entertaining, they sub because YOU provide useful information and are helpful in some way. They sub because YOU put in the effort. So no matter what anyone says, do what YOU think is best for your channel, do what YOU enjoy doing, even if a million people have already done it, because the more you like what you're doing, the more interesting, creative, and well edited your videos will become.
yea but i think half them are from me by refreshing to see how the video is going and watch it again because i like what i made and yeah[DOUBLEPOST=1453065759][/DOUBLEPOST]
If you are right i would be very dissapointed because i love to record and edit videos for gaming.

You just need to share your content more. Share it to friends and followers on Facebook and Twitter respectively, that should give you some more views and possible subscribers, then once you make enough forum money ($100) then use it to get VIP Membership here and then promote yourself.
You just need to share your content more. Share it to friends and followers on Facebook and Twitter respectively, that should give you some more views and possible subscribers, then once you make enough forum money ($100) then use it to get VIP Membership here and then promote yourself.
This is a good idea.I have to check it out but in twitter i have no progress there.
Maybe it can be hard for us, but our channel is relatively new so this is nothing to worry about. Social media promotion of videos doesn't work 90% though. :)
"It's an uphill battle; it goes nowhere for so long."
That's what Jacksepticeye said at a panel when asked about how he got his first thousand. And he's sitting pretty at over 8 million now.

Yes, some people get lucky and grow faster than others. But it's common knowledge - as you'll discover once you start Tubing the You - that gaining a loyal following is a pain in the freakin' neck.

It's very likely that you'll feel discouraged and bummed out fairly often because of how slowly things grow, but provided you continue working on your channel and are active, every new subscriber you do gain will very gradually increase the speed at which you grow.

I can very much confirm this (Even thou I am still SmallTubbie) - I was often at spots where I was about to give up (What is the chance of me succeeding the way I would love to? Not very high...) because simply people werent "flowing in" or I felt like it leads to nowhere (stuck at the same numbers for a long time). But every time I met someone or got encouraged by fan or told myself "ignore numbers, fun is more important" it was suddenly easier to do so and I started doing better again. So it is all about long run and keeping it fun for you :) Unless you get very lucky chances are you will be doing it just for fun or hobby as there are many youtubers already and it isnt as easy as it was 4 years ago :)
I can very much confirm this (Even thou I am still SmallTubbie) - I was often at spots where I was about to give up (What is the chance of me succeeding the way I would love to? Not very high...) because simply people werent "flowing in" or I felt like it leads to nowhere (stuck at the same numbers for a long time). But every time I met someone or got encouraged by fan or told myself "ignore numbers, fun is more important" it was suddenly easier to do so and I started doing better again. So it is all about long run and keeping it fun for you :) Unless you get very lucky chances are you will be doing it just for fun or hobby as there are many youtubers already and it isnt as easy as it was 4 years ago :)
Ell you got the numbers my friend.And yeah this is the point of everything about it.You started because it is fun making it.Don' forget that. :)
Doing a gaming youtube channel is so overdone that it's probably one of the hardest types of channels to get any recognition.

Unless you try something new or a different way of making videos (Like Idubbbz who started doing gaming then to unboxings) there is little to no chance of you making it past 1,000 maybe

I agree with most of this - but cant say he cant get passed 1k subs - it might take a lil while but its all about his evolution on youtube, like for any of us if we look back at our old videos compared to the quality of videos you/we do now :)
I agree with most of this - but cant say he cant get passed 1k subs - it might take a lil while but its all about his evolution on youtube, like for any of us if we look back at our old videos compared to the quality of videos you/we do now :)
yep that's right.I would like to get to 1k subs faster but i can't :)
At the end of the day just try and be positive, if your happy with the content that you're putting up then purely your audience is going to enjoy it too! Its no race & everyones story should be different, if we all had the same story then it would just be boring! You can do it if you just believe :)