IMPROVE YOUR YouTube Channel NOW!!!

YouTube Analytics = bad, poor... delay by 24 hours for most stats = SUCKS (that's my opinion, I won't use it until they'll improve it big time).

Google Analytics = Much more detailed, more options, accurate, just like I explained, so if you want more ;)
I'm using it a few years now, but now it's much better... I do my homework, and... for now, it works for me I keep getting better results so I'm happy with it.

* Sorry about my bad English.

Youtube Analytics shows information of how many times my videos are being watched. That other analytics thing doesn't do that. When someone browses within the domain of I get information about that but when someone clicks a video there is definitely no information.
Youtube Analytics shows information of how many times my videos are being watched. That other analytics thing doesn't do that. When someone browses within the domain of I get information about that but when someone clicks a video there is definitely no information.

In Google analytics you get all the info you see on the limited YouTube Analytics, but in the pure google analytics you get more and more... just get into your google analytics and see, you should try it... the YouTube Analytics is a nice toy for starter or for very basic analytics.
I have done as the instructions suggest and analytics only displayed one visitor (probably me). Can someone explain in a bit more detail exactly what you need to do or post screen shots of their google analytics to see what data and how much should be coming through?


I'm having a bit of trouble. I followed the easy steps, except for when I enter my analytics ID, I'm getting the error to enter a valid one :(