I think that i have figured out a way to get more subs. (not the sandwiches)

That's why people are tempted to buy subscribers - it makes them look like they're more popular than they are. Then people check out their channel and see that they don't have the views and figure out that they've bought subscribers and it makes them look bad.
Hah! Jimmy Johns, Subway, how quaint. I just had firehouse, so I'm good on the sub...

but not the subs, however I take a very passive approach, so it's been slow going. However it would seem that the original post is indeed accurate, even with smaller numbers. A friend I collaborate with got a boost in subs after he hit 50 and was partnered, and he continues to gain subs at a faster rate as he gains more. Seems to be a snowball effect. It's just not at all easy to get that ball rolling!
I haven't taken a psychology class or anything, but here is a giant thing i have noticed.

I used to use i funny alot, and i found that, when you just put a picture out there, it gets no likes. But once it gets past 20, it majorly takes off.
Im pretty sure that people passed it and just moved on because it didn't have any likes yet, even if they thought it was funny. Ive even found myself doing this, were a post has a lot of down votes, so i down vote it too, even if i thought it was funny.

I think it works the same way with subscribers, were if you already have like a hundred, then people will be more apt to subscribe. Now im not asking for your subscription (im not saying not to though :) ) but i do think that this continues to make it hard for really small channels to get on their feet.

so yeah
This is ABSOLUTELY true and it is called the power of persuasion! It happens all day everyday and not just with youtube or reddit, but with fastfood places. If you see noone in the line for fast food you are less likely to go there , but if you see a few people in line it draws you to that decision.
This is in fact true. I am personally at fault for doing this as well. Whenever I stumbled upon a bigger channel, I would usually drop a sub if their content is mediocre; whereas on a small channel the content had to be amazing for me to sub. It is quite the opposite now though, a big channel has to be amazing, and a small channel just has to be good. Even if I don't completely enjoy their content, dropping a "nice video" on a <50 sub channel is a giant motivator to produce more and better content.