Other I started an Online magazine about Small YouTubers

Davis Fang

Loving YTtalk
Heyyyy, for this uni assignment, I started an online magazine about small Youtubers.

There isn't really a platform right now that promotes smaller creators anymore, like the YouTube Trending section, conventions, online magazines are all focused on large Youtubers. From this, I thought an online magazine that interviews and talks about small YouTubers would be a really worthwhile project.

What can you do to help?
I'm looking for creators who have a strong opinion on a certain matter and might be good for an interview, particularly creative videos that I can write about in the featured section, and general support from the community by engaging with the publication. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much

(The magazine is called "One44p", you can google that to find the website/facebook page/twitter etc)
Is that your twin in the trailer channel? Also I'm a gaming channel but I am definitely passionate about what I do - being one in a million haha. I'm interested, if I'm a god fit, let me know! Thanks.
Some questions though, what "certain matter" are you talking about? Creative videos as innnnnnnnn leaning more towards the Vlog kinda scene?
Hello! I'm a small musician/gamer on youtube, and I have strong opinions about music in general (Being someone who likes ALL music). I have strong opinion's on fair use and copyright abuse as well however being 15 I may not be fully filled in with those subjects.
Yeappp! I'm passionate and would be interested. Um, I don't have much contact info besides Twitter really. Which is Marceive_

However, if you require me to have something else, I'll try to make it work!
If there's one thing I'm adamant about in the world of small-scale Youtube content, it's morale. How to keep it high in spite of the many things there are to destroy hope and faith in what we do. How to be compassionate and kind to people who are just starting out. How to adopt a personality that people really like and character that people respect.

I'm down for it if you're willing to take me on.
First of all- what a great website. Design wise it's super professional, and the content is actually really great. I'm trying to create a channel around technology and vlogging, which don't necessarily fit together naturally, but with lots of love and work I'm still trying to make it happen. My email is realdagadgetguy@gmail.com if I can be of any use for your site! :)