I only seem to be getting worse

Thank you, everyone. I was looking back at some of my old videos last night and all I could think about is making stuff like I used to because I enjoyed making that, and they got the most views, whereas now everything has become complicated. I want to appear on other people's channels and I did get a shout out from JDTheGuru, and that was when I got my last subscriber, but other than that, there's only one person who I could benefit from a shout out because although I don't have as many as her, I still have a considerable amount more than the rest of my friends.

I've considered just giving up many times and I'm still thinking about doing so now. I'm really stuck, and I just want it to be like the good old days.[DOUBLEPOST=1365853906,1365853820][/DOUBLEPOST]I'd say it slowed just after the new year. The videos only recently got to 60, when before that, they'd be at 60 in 2 weeks (minus video responses).
Well i wouldn't give up.. Just do what you love.. have fun with it don't worry so much about the subs and all.. Worry about making good videos and having a blast.
One thing that I already know people are going to say is "patience and persistence" and I know it is the most annoying thing ever because one thing humans hate doing is WAITING.

But that is the truth. A year is a while I'll admit, but time is key.

Also, ulpoad more. Keep a consistent schedule and use the "facebook type" mechanism to tell your subscribers when you are going to post and to keep them excited.
I know that this is off topic but I really like your new signature :p
I try to have fun, but I don't see the point if its only friends and family who watch my videos. I might as well just have a conversation with them. The aspect of fun comes with the audience, I like making things for people, not making things that 40 people are going to click on, then wish they never had done.
You mentioned that a couple other channels are growing faster than you. Watch their videos to see if you can learn something from them
I try to have fun, but I don't see the point if its only friends and family who watch my videos. I might as well just have a conversation with them. The aspect of fun comes with the audience, I like making things for people, not making things that 40 people are going to click on, then wish they never had done.
Well were do you promote your videos? Is it only to your friends? Do you tell people about your videos? Do you use Twitter.. Go to forums and link them, I hand out business cards to people I just met that has our channel on it. You have to Market yourself.
People nowadays are horrible at using a search bar on YouTube, and it can take a long time for them to find your videos. There are MILLIONS of other channels on YouTube, so it's like finding a certain grain of sand on a beach.. But, It is still possible isn't it? You have to do a lot of searching, and it can take a LONG time to find that grain of sand (Your Channel). But once you've found that grain of sand, you want EVERYONE to see that you have found the grain of sand. And more and more people will want to see the grain of sand, next thing you know your the coolest grain of sand ever..

Alright paw, no more sand.. But, I hope you get the point. It can take a long time for the audience to find you, but when they do, all the hard work will be worth it. :)
I've been video making for a year now, and only quite recently my videos are no longer getting the 70-100 they used to get and are now lucky if they get to 50. I'm in a small community of friends that do YouTube and I used to be a good 50 subscribers in front of everyone but now I've been overtaken by 2 people and they both now have a considerable amount more than I do. I haven't received a subscriber in around 4 weeks and only seem to be losing them. Help please? :s
Hey Will :D It's Becky here (Dunno if you know this but I go to your school) I would suggest networking. It can do amazing things :) Also be active on this forum as it has helped me out ALOT. :D
You mentioned that a couple other channels are growing faster than you. Watch their videos to see if you can learn something from them
They were the ones following what I do, they're just better at it than I am[DOUBLEPOST=1365868307,1365868074][/DOUBLEPOST]I've been waiting a year, and i just got my first bit of proper hate today. Nobody really wants to watch me, they stumble by me by accident, and then just never watch a single video of mine every again. I have twitter but nobody follows me because I'm useless at social networks like that. I dont meet people who would take a card off me although I will be making some to take with me to places in the future.
Well you seem really down.. not sure what else to tell you man.. Like for us.. we have supposedly 270 some subs.. but we only get about 100 or so views per video... That being said usually the amount of views you have will equal out to a little less than half of the amount of subs.. Take Smosh or RWJ for instance.. they have 8 mill subs.. their videos get about 4 -5 mil views. So if you are getting 60 some views off of 92 subs you are doing pretty good statistically. The other thing.. I have just met you on here.. and all I have seen is you saying how bad you are and how its getting worse and all.. That doesn't make me want to come see your stuff. If you are going to succeed in yoututbe or life you got to think I am good at what I do.. I love what I do.. If you don't feel that way about Youtube find something you do feel that way about and pursue it.