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You know the gametype kill confirmed? Right! So If you collect your own dog tag you will get 250 xp. so if you put a tactical insertion right where you are at then you secure the place with a bouncing betty or a claymore then you kill ppl like you normally do, but when you die you can easily pick up tyour own dog tag and get some free xp and repeat.
I have only played it once but I must try that out

That's sort of frowned upon, but at least you're not literally boosting, lol.
But yeah, shotguns are not a great way to get a lot of kills, you really need to level it up to level 26 in order to have a decent shotgun that can kill a guy more than 10 feet away. You're really gimping yourself when you use a shotgun.
I'm trying to level it up on FFA and I see what youre saying about gimping myself out lol I feel like a constant easy target.